Past Projects

  • Pulse Jet Racing
    • Team size: 5
    • role: 2D artist
    • Link:
    • For this project, I came up with concepts and created the turn-around sheet for each car. They would then be sent to the other artists for modeling and texturing. I also designed the character portraits for the character select screen
  • GMU Balloon Fight
    • Team size: 30+
    • role: 2D concept and character artist and animator
    • Link:
    • For this massive project, I worked on one of the four playable characters in the roster named Adcox. I was responsible for the concept and animations of the character pertaining to the moveset and win screen.
  • SpaceShooters
    • Team size: 3
    • role: artist
    • The premise of this game is that you’re spaceship taking down waves of other enemy ship until you boss. There are about 4 enemy variants with different movement patterns and attacks as well as 1 boss. After a boss is defeated the game will continue the same cycle but will harder the further you get.
    • This game was scale down to fit the aesthetic of a gameboy game. I was in charge of every piece of art in the game which original and made from scratch. To get that retro feel, I was limited by the color palette which only required 4 colors.
  • Multi-Layered Pinball
    • Team size: 4
    • role: sound design
    • As the name implies, Multilayered Pinball is game where you try and traverse three level with your ball. For the theme of the 3 stages, we went with Earth as starting level, Hell for when you miss the ball and Heaven as the reward for hitting a special target. If you miss the ball again in Hell, that’s when the game ends.
    • For this project, I was in charge of the sound design, where I record and edit the SFXs, myself. Majority of the sounds were taken from real life and I was also in charge of the music. Customs sounds were also made from scratch to fit theme of Heaven Earth and Hell.
  • Roboid
    • Team size: 3
    • Role: character design and animation
    • This is a Metroidvania type game that revolves around a robot who has to traverse a large cave, take down waves of enemies, and eventually reach the end
    • I was in charge of the sprite sheet and design for the robot along with the enemies and I also designed the Title screen